Friday, January 7, 2011

Ghana Trip Pictures

Well, I don’t get to share any fun stories from this trip, but I did grab some pictures from my mom since Jake didn’t bring a camera along. My mom is going to be blogging about the full experience starting on Monday and I can’t wait to tune in! Here are a few ‘telling’ pictures that I enjoyed that went along with Jake’s journal entries which I posted previously…..I intended on picking only 10 out of the 630 my mom uploaded to her picasa album, but I think I wound up with 20 or so on here because they were all so good! I just couldn't narrow it down! There are many stories that go behind each of these pictures so you will have to check out my mom's blog next week to hear more of the trip details. Her blog is:

The Isaiah 1:17 Launch. I will be blogging about our Isaiah 1:17 Foundation beginning next week. Check out Esi's beautiful handiwork with the decorations and fabric....I told you she was good at this!

Jake's speaks to the teams that participated in the first Kingdom Hoops Ghana basketball tournament. Kingdom Hoops lost in the championship game by 1 point to Galaxy Academy.

Basketball camp in Cape Coast. That is Grace Vanderweide there in the orange demonstrating footwork for the lay up drill. Can you imagine the experience she had? She is on Jake's 8th grade girls Kingdom Hoops team and is from West Des Moines.

Shoes not required.....

While Jake ran the basketball camp sessions, Doug and Dawn Vanderweide and my mom held a bible study and worship time with the kids and their parents who had finished their camp session.

Cape Coast

My mom pictured with 2 Cape Coast girls - one is selling water, the other is selling plantain chips.

Jake getting ready for one of his TV interviews....he looks like has done this before! :)

On the beach near Esi's house during New Year's.

The team got to take a day and travel to Nana's village (Esi's husband) in the eastern region of Ghana where he is a chief. Other than visiting Justice's village, I have not gotten to experience village life, so I was very jealous of this awesome experience that they had!

Jake got to speak to the elder's of Nana's village. Jake had A LOT of impromptu speaking opportunities on this trip, but luckily those types of situations are right up his alley!

My mom hands out gifts and candy to the village kids.

Dawn Vanderweide hands out some food.

You may recall that the Vanderweide family was going to be Prince's host family here in the U.S. upon getting his student visa. It was so great for them to finally meet this young boy who has a special place in their hearts. Here is Prince showing the Vanderweide's son, J.D., the bed where he sleeps in his house.

Prince's house is set in a type of cul de sac.

These pictures brought me to tears when I first saw them....that is J.D. there on the far right....Prince's team let him suit up for their soccer match. I cannot imagine the memories that J.D. will have in his heart of what he got to experience in Ghana.

On our last trip in September Jake gave Prince's soccer coach 250 Ghana cedis (equivalent to about $200 U.S. dollars) to purchase uniforms for their soccer team and this is the result.....looking sharp boys!!!!!!!!!!!

A lady making banku....

Doug Vanderweide tries it out!

They got to experience so many awesome things!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Wow. I am pretty certain words or pictures won't do the experience justice. But I can't wait to see more, and learn more. :)

  2. Love these pics Janel! Seriously would your mom mind if I printed a few for my house...they tell such a story! The one of the boy without shoes just got me...I think how SPOILED we are here in the U.S. I may just have to steal her photo and blog about heart is convicted all over again! Thanks for sharing and Praise God for bringing you and Jake into our lives!
