Friday, December 17, 2010


Last weekend we got our first snowfall of the winter in Iowa. But on the day it let loose we were in the gym from sun up to sun down for that Hawkeye shootout tournament, so Justice didn’t get to experience the excitement of ac tually getting to watch it fall from the sky. So that’s why, when we walked outside after the day’s games Justice took a look at the white blanket of snow and asked, “Is that real snow?” By this point the snow had stopped falling out of the sky, so it probably was quite strange to him that when he went into the gym there was no snow, but when he came out everything was covered in white (there were no windows at the gym).

Of course I had to run out and get Justice some snow pants and snow boots for school, and he has had SO MUCH fun getting to play in the snow at recess. He says their favorite thing to do is to load up the slide with snow and then it makes you fly down it really fast! He really wants to make a snow man and a snow fort, but we don’t quite have the right type of sticky snow for that yet. Hopefully soon!

It's a good thing a momma has some good help around here! Side note - we do have a snow blower, but nobody knows how to start it!


  1. Who needs a snow blower with that much help! Plus someone might get hurt! Ha. Glad Jayla got her PINK boots :D

  2. I ABSOLUTELY love the picture of Jayla clearing the snow and putting it in the wheel barrel. Pretty sure I could have used the wheel barrel the other day while shoveling my driveway.

  3. What fun this must be for Justice! Love the pix and I agree with grandma Lori, no need for a snowblower with all that help!
