Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Home Safe!

Well, Yaw and Ezekiel had quite the adventure in getting home from Wyoming! They started out on Monday morning, and the plan was for them to drive home and get here late Monday evening. However 2 hours into the trip they met up with icy roads and ended up in the ditch. Thankfully they were okay but happened to literally be in the middle of nowhere! A tow truck grabbed their car, but it was totaled. A friendly group of passerbys picked them up and gave them a ride to the nearest town where they stayed the night in a hotel until we could figure out travel plans. After trying options with rental cars and bus lines, Jake eventually decided to drive and pick them up himself. So, yesterday morning Jake set off for what turned into a 12 hour road trip to pick up the guys! They were scheduled to get in late last night, and JJ, Justice and Sam were so excited to see them that they asked to ‘wait up’ for them on the couch.

I hit the hay at 10:30pm and Justice and JJ were still wide awake watching Christmas movies! The guys got in late last night and they were greeted with lots of smiles and excitement this morning!

So glad everyone is home safe! Let the fun begin!!!!!!!


  1. How nice they could make it back for Christmas! And the look on Jayla's face is precious! :)

  2. Thankful everyone is home safe and sound enjoying Christmas together.
