Monday, November 1, 2010

From the Mouths of My Loves - Edition #2

JJ: Look at all this hair on my legs.

Justice: If I get an Iron Man suit (for Halloween) will I have his powers?

Jayla: Mr. Vegas (our cat) needs a timeout.

JJ: Mommy, are you coming to my football game at noon today?
Mommy: Yes, who do you play?
JJ: Oklahoma.

Justice: I am freezing! It feels like I am in the freezer. Even being in the freezer would be better than this.

Jayla: I want to wear my princess shirt.
Mommy: You wore it yesterday. It’s dirty.

Justice: Are pumpkins a fruit?

Jayla: I like my pockwitz (pockets).

JJ: Justice, when you play at the tournament you have to listen to your coach. And if somebody wants to shoot, you have to pass it to them. And you have to run really fast and play defense.
Justice: Oh JJ, I am not thinking about what you are thinking about. I’m thinking about going to school on Monday! Mommy, when you take me to school on Monday, are you going to go in with me?
Mommy: Yes, on the first day I will go in with you, but on the other days I will drop you off at the front door.
Oh no!
JJ: You don’t need Mommy to go in with you. Mommy doesn’t go into school with Sam, and Mommy doesn’t go into school with Peprah.
Justice: But Peprah and Sam are big!
JJ: You are big!
Justice: No I am not!
JJ: You are 6. You are big.
Justice: No, I am little. You are 4 and you are little and I am 6 and I am little.
This conversation went on for quite some time after this!

JJ: C'mon Mommy, let’s play REAL football.
Mommy: What’s REAL football?
Justice: Tackle football!
Mommy: I’m a mommy, I don’t play tackle football.
JJ: Ok, you can be quarterback.

Sam: Will we have a body in heaven?
JJ: Will there be orange juice in heaven?
Justice: What was God doing before he made the world?

Jayla: I found my homework.



  1. Those are great. However...the comment from JJ (& Justice) about REAL football made me laugh! I wonder what a quarterback would think about that. :)

  2. I just love listening to my children have conversations like these. They are all just trying to figure out this crazy world. I bet Justice is so excited ( and a bit nervous) about school.
    He'll do great.

  3. love it! :)

    is that little miss chloe in the background? loving your new neighbors? i'm jealous if you've gotten to snuggle with her new brother!!!
