Friday, October 22, 2010

Just a Bunch of Pictures

Day at the orchard....

Corn pool....

It's a little dusty in here!

Jumping pillow...

Super slide!

Time to hunt for pumpkins.

Mommy found the perfect one for Jayla!

Justice found his!

And JJ found his!

Hayride with Uncle Eli

Our lil punkin

Justice's 1st haircut....courtesy of Coach Julian

All done and looking good!!!!!!!

JJ is really into football right now!


1 comment:

  1. Janel,
    My husband, Doug, met with Jake this week about Sierra Leone and your work in Ghana. I have so many questions for you about your program and the logistics...can you email me so I can get in touch with you? I feel like we have so much in common!
    Jen Diers
