Monday, October 18, 2010

Family Pictures 2010

Well, we finally got our family pictures taken!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!! Our family picture frame above our fireplace has actually been empty since June! Our family had changed so much over the past year that I finally just took the old picture out of there and left the frame empty! I am posting some of my favorites from our session with my friend Stacy. I am however holding back my favorite, Favorite, FAVORITE one of all of us that will be for the Christmas card! I have to keep some sort of surprise coming! Here are a few of the others:

My boys...

Us girls...

My loves.






Embracing the chaos!

And of course we must take a look at the out-takes!!!! These are the ‘real’ and ‘un-cut’ us! :)

JJ picking his nose...

All Justice wants to do is wrestle. Wrestle. Wrestle. Wrestle. Here we are at a timeout in between shots getting some wrestling out!

And trying to get this picture was hilarious. Jayla was bawling and I believe Jake’s patience had run out by this point as you can see (mine ran out about 30 minutes before this point)! But the fam endured the pain and now we should be all set until next year’s family picture session!

Thank you Stacy for photographing our crazy bunch!


  1. I love them all! So many perfect and beautiful ones. What an amazing family you guys are.

  2. omy JJ looks grown up all of a sudden! Love the outtakes...I thought Jayla was laughing...evidently not! Great pix!

  3. Those are so great!!! Cant wait to see your favorite!
