Thursday, September 16, 2010

VISA HAS BEEN PRINTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From the Embassy earlier today:

Dear Mr. Sullivan:

We wish to inform you that your child’s case is complete and his visa has been printed. Please pick up or have your power of attorney pick up his visa on Friday, September 17, 2010 at 7:30am. Also, please bring a copy of this email to be admitted to the Consular Section.

We hope this information is helpful to you and please let us know if we may be of further assistance.

Kind regards,
U.S. Embassy Accra
Consular Section

Is that music to your ears or what?!?!?! THANK YOU GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jake is booking our flight as we speak. The flight we've picked leaves next Wednesday, Sept 22 and we arrive back home Saturday afternoon, Sept 25 so it will be a really short trip. Just Jake and I will be going. Another huge blessing in all of this is that Golden Rule Travel was able to exchange Samuel's unused ticket from June to this flight, so we won't have to eat the money we had spent on that June ticket. Praise God!

WOW. What can I say? What an amazing ride this has been. My mind just keeps repeating back the scriptures and promises from God that I have engraved in my heart from this whole experience. The one that is screaming out from inside of me right now are these words from Jesus in John 14:18:

I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.

Samuel ~ WE'RE COMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. What more can be said? Other than "Be still and know that I am God!" I am in awe and speechless.

  2. CONGRATULATIONS SULLIVANS!!! You were such a testimony to those around you of God's power in and through you as you sought His will for your lives. You kept your faith and as always, God was faithful to His children! So excited for you!

  3. His timing is perfect. Praising Him for His faithfulness!


  5. Congratulations! I've Been following your blog via the kh site. God is so good. I emailed Jake a website for you to check out. A beautiful Christian mom makes beautiful adoption and African things. I didn't have your email.

    God bless

  6. You don't know me. I've been following your blog through Jody Gates. I just wanted you to know that my family has been praying for the situation with Samuel's Visa and it is so awesome to hear that it has finally come through!!! God is so good!!!

  7. Can't stop playing these lyrics in my head from Shane & Shane, "It makes me wanna SHOUT, Hallellujah, thank you JESUS, You are worthy of all the glory, and all the honor, and all the praise!"

    Thank you Jesus!!!!
