Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Socks, Weekend Getaway, Tim, MSF, Global Mamas, City Life, Hungry Ducks & Bad Math

I forgot to mention in my JJ update the other day that he is obsessed with socks. He LOVES them. He likes tall socks, ankle socks, black socks, white socks, crazy socks and plain socks. Usually he wears one white sock and one black sock each day…’s kind of his trademark! He spotted these stylin' Cyclone socks at the book store the other day, and it made his day when we bought them!

I also haven’t had a chance to post pictures from the amazing weekend getaway (my birthday present from July) that Jake had planned for us last weekend up in Minnesota. No fighting munchkins. No dinner to cook. No kitchen to clean up. No errands to run. No laundry to do. No toys to put away. No emails to return. No yard to mow. No one to discipline. No arguing, complaining, or opinion stating. Just me and Jake. Oh, and Tim was there too….

Tim McGraw that is.

Jake had gotten us tickets to his concert at the.....
(Minnesota State Fair)

Yes, we left Iowa, only to go to another state fair. We are such hicks. One area of the Minnesota State Fair that I always enjoy walking through is the International Bazaar area. And this year, one stand really caught my eye. As we rounded the corner into the bazaar area all of a sudden I noticed a stand with tons of hand-sewn African clothing! Once we went up to check it out we found that all of this clothing and jewelry was actually made in Ghana! So crazy. This stand was called Global Mamas – which is a fair trade and non-profit organization that creates sustainable women-owned businesses in Ghana. Jake found out the scoop that one of the ladies that started Global Mamas had met a gal from Minnesota who was working in the peace corps in Ghana….and before you know it, the global mamas from Ghana had a stand at the fair. So cool. The global mamas run their business out of Cape Coast, which is one of the places we visited in our December trip. The best part is that 100% of the sales go directly back to Ghana and Global Mamas. Love it. Check it out at and

During our time in Minnesota Jake and I also took our first ever trip to a dueling piano bar, shopped in the middle of downtown at Nicolette mall, and had a yummy steak dinner with the other Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan…..

City life in the fast line always goes....well….fast….and so did our wonderful weekend….

Hopefully we will get another date soon!

When we got home, it was back to business. Which means, the munchkins and I had to go feed the ducks. We kind of forgot about our ducks all summer. And apparently everyone else did too, because they practically MOBBED us when we got out of the car! They were a little hungry…

And, I must post our labor day pics. We had a wonderful little Sullivan fam competition of miniature golf….

Don’t let our smiles fool you. We argued and trash talked the entire course. In the end, Jake came in first and beat me by 1 stroke. 51 to 52. Ugh. Now we have to hear him gloat over his victory for the next 12 months until we can go again. :) We sure had fun!

Although, I'm still not sure if Daddy added up the score right. I'm calling for a rematch.

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