Monday, September 27, 2010

More Pictures Of Justice's Homecoming!!!!

Alright, here are the airport pictures!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you to my friend Stacy, and to my mom, for taking all of these awesome snapshots.......

Jayla, lil J.J., big JJ, and Nyla wait for us in excitement!

At the DM airport you have to wait at the bottom of the escalator for the passengers to come off the planes! I can't imagine the anticipation of them waiting to see us pop over the escalator! I had dreamed about and pictured this moment over and over and over in my mind since June. Here we come!

WELCOME HOME!!!!!!!!!!!

You can't see him in the picture but Justice and Jake were greeted by JJ first!

Justice gets a big hug from Grandpa Tim.

Coach Julian teaches Justice a new American handshake!

Me and my loves. :)

Love this smile!

They finally get to see eachother again!!!!!!!!


Jayla liked Justice's balloons. :) Justice had never had a sweatshirt with a hood on it before, so you will see in lots of pictures that he always has his hood up! Jayla also likes her hood up!

Justice with Grandma Lori, Uncle Eli, and Grandpa Tim.

HEADED HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When we pulled onto our road Justice saw our house and pointed it out in the distance saying "That's home!" He remembered from the picture book we had made him and given to him when we first met. :) Once we pulled in the driveway we took him inside and showed him his room and his clothes and toys. Then he immediately wanted to go outside. So we showed him his bike and he LOVED IT! He had never been on a bike before, and he rode and rode up and down the side walk for at least an hour. This bike turned out to be a little small for this tall boy, but it didn't stop him one bit!

More pictures tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I love the pictures! They gave me goose-bumps. What a great God Story!

  2. I love it! I bet the house is just a buzzing with new excitement now.
    And because I'm sure you will need it sometime, let me know when you and Jake want a break from all the kids! I'd be happy to have some fun with them. :)

  3. You don't even know how HAPPY/EXCITED we are for you have gone through SOOOO much to finally get Justice must almost feel surreal that the process is finally over!!!!!!

    Like I said we are THRILLED for you guys and can't wait to meet lucky of a boy he is to be in your amazing family!!!!!!

    Luv u!

  4. Love all the pictures. Tears of joy are filling up my eyes. Praise God for His beauty.

  5. These pictures are so great! Still praying for a smooth adjustment for you all!
    Btw, we officially anounced the beginning of our adoption journey. Ahhhh! When things settle down for you a bit it would be great to talk more with you!

  6. 'Homecoming week' will have a great meaning for Justice all through school! What perfect timing!

  7. WOOHOO!!! I am so happy for you all. Thank you for your testimonies of God's faithfulness that run over and over through your blog! God has been glorified through you and your adoption:)

    Someday, we will have to get together so we can introduce each other to our newest additions to our families!

    Enjoy these sweet days celebrating your forever family!
