Wednesday, September 29, 2010

And He's Off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am going to save our Ghana pictures for tomorrow because something really exciting has happened today! Check it out....

Sorry Daddy, but Mommy definitely gets to take credit for coaching this one! :) Justice has endlessly been practicing and practicing on his new bike for the past 3 days. He was so determined to figure it out. We didn't get close until last night when he finally was able to pedal on his own about two times around before falling. I had a feeling he would get the hang of it this afternoon, and when we tried after lunch he figured it out just in time for Sam to seem him as he came off the school bus! He still needs help getting started, but he can at least balance and pedal now. Obviously we still need to perfect the stopping/brakes as well. :) I didn't get to be there when Justice took his first steps, but God gave me the opportunity to watch him reach this milestone, and it feels just as exciting!


  1. LOL...yes braking is important as well as looking for traffic :).

  2. lol...I LOVE hearing you yell "brake! brake!" in the background....what a mom thing to say! ;)
