Thursday, August 12, 2010

Samuel Story

Esi was telling me a story about Samuel the other day….

She was saying how Samuel is a very good eater (not picky) and that he eats A LOT of food. One night during dinner Esi said she was joking with Samuel and how much food he was eating. She said, “You know, your American Dad, he is a good eater. But your American Mom, she eats real small amounts of food. If you go to America eating like this they will say ‘Why is this Ghanaian boy eating all of this food?’ She said they giggled about it and then Esi said, ‘Yes, if you go to America eating like this they will send you back to Ghana!’

And she said Samuel looked at her and said, “No, mum. They won’t send me back. When I go to America, I am going forever.”


  1. Janel- this one brough tears to my eyes! What a sweet boy! It is hard not to question God's timing on all of this, but His plans are always perfect!! We are praying for all of you!!

  2. I can just hear his little voice saying "forever". :) Brought tears to my eyes too.
