Friday, July 30, 2010

They Are Here!

Oh, how I LOVE THEM! They don’t come any sweeter than this bunch you see right here. This beautiful family is LOVE and KINDNESS to the greatest measure. This picture is pure evidence that God hears our cries and answers our prayers. In just talking with Esi for one evening, I am reminded that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28).

I must tell you that behind the blogging scenes, God has showed up for Samuel. There are things I will not blog about in order to protect the privacy of our adoption. But I MUST SHOUT from the rooftops that God has showed up and defended and helped him. Questions are being answered. No, Samuel is not home yet. No, Samuel does not have his visa yet. But God is showing up. And I am so thankful for this family. More than words can say.

More blogging to come next week on our adventures with our Ghanaian family….for now I am enjoying story after story about Samuel, looking forward to my second round of Ghanaian cooking lessons, and thanking God for teaching me to step out of my comfort zone. Life’s richer out here.


  1. Praise in that their travels went well. Hope you all have a wonderful time.

  2. Looking forward to hearing your stories of Yaw's family's visit. You'll have a busy three weeks ahead of you and time will fly but then you'll be that much closer to having Samuel with you. I'm so happy to hear things are starting to fall into place. :)

  3. I am so glad that you are getting questions answered. I never had any doubt that God wasn't going to be there for you...I am still praying that things get resolved. So glad that Yaw's family made it safe! Can't wait to hear all about their visit!

  4. Awesome post Janel...and can't wait till you can share the exciting news about Samuel!!!

  5. I cried when I saw the pic and Samuel wasn't in it. Stink.

    maybe we'll cross paths with you Sunday. We'll be down your way and plan to attend church with Michelle & Shane. It's been a while since I've been there!
