Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Big Kids

When you go to practice, you have to do things like the big boys. So, you have to take a bag packed with your stuff, like your practice clothes and shoes. You also have to wear Jordan sandals with socks, because that’s how the big kids do it (side-note, the big kids, however do not wear one white sock and one black sock….that is JJ’s own unique trademark).

Then, when you get to practice, you have to change into your practice clothes and bball shoes.

In minutes you should be all changed and ready to go!!!

P.S. Don’t forget your player’s tournament pass, and Kingdom Hoops uniform just in case a game breaks out during practice.

P.S.S. Say a little prayer that the coach is in a good mood, otherwise you might have to do some running!

Now, if you are a little girl, you have to learn to clean like the big girls!

And, only the big girls know how to read to their baby like this.....

And that, my friends, is how the big kids roll!


  1. cute post. love jayla's little squeaky voice and the inflection she puts into it! What a cutie. I still say she doesn't look at all like she's a size 4! And love jj's trademark of one black/one white sock.

  2. Cute! And I love the blankie at practice, too!

  3. At Jayla's age you were cleaning toilets! You loved the swish the brush around and around! :D
