Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Adoption Exit Interview Update

From our case worker:

Kofi couldn't send E mails out today due to the service---all is fine--update below. We will keep you updated on the final.

From CompAfricare President via email to our case worker:

I spoke to Kofi this afternoon and he wanted me to let you know that Samuel’s interview went very well however, they have requested for his biological mother to appear for an interview as well. Kofi is travelling to her village this evening to bring her over to Accra for her interview tomorrow morning. All internet access is down in Ghana so he doesn’t have access to email at the moment.

And that's all I know as of this evening....


  1. I'm so excited for all of you..... I'm sure you are all full o emotions right now! I'll be praying for a safe trip for all of you and that the transition for Samuel is peaceful.

  2. That seems odd that they want to interview his mom, after your I-600 was already approved. Is this normal practice? I'm praying that all goes well, and he has his visa this week. Then for safe travels next week and a beautiful homecoming!
