Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Yaw's Graduation Party

On Sunday we had Yaw’s graduation party at our house!!!! The fun started on Saturday when we had to go around and pick up everything I had rented and ordered for the party. My help showed up bright and early Saturday morning looking like this:
That’s my mom, grandpa and grandma all crammed into Grandpa Tim’s pick up truck. They are always ready to help with anything and everything, and I am thankful they only live 1 hour away! So, we were off to the rental place to pick up tables and chairs, and then we were off to Hy-vee to pick up the buns and meat for the sandwiches. As we entered Hy-Vee my grandma hopped on the motorized cart like she always does, only JJ had never been shopping with her before so this was all new to him. I wish I could have gotten a picture of his face when he saw great-grandma get on the cart and start tootling around. It was sort of a mix of shock and laughter as he watched her. I think he thought she was on a toy car for grown-ups or something….he definitely didn’t understand that she needed it b/c her body is getting a little rusty and she can’t take the walking…..he just thought she wanted to have some fun. :)

Back at the house our main job of the day was to make all the sandwiches.

Lucky for us some friends stopped by and we put them to work! Well, the mommies and grandmas worked and JJ and Nyla went to the ‘hotel’!!!!!!

And of course we had to try out the party food!

Then Sunday rolled around and I had the party host anxieties on my mind like - What if nobody comes? What if we have too much food? What if we run out of food? What if it rains? And what am I forgetting? And then, the party went off without a hitch! Lots of Yaw’s classmates came, as well as teachers and coaches and parents of his friends. Somehow between helping me keep the serving dishes full and serving punch my mom was able to snap some pictures of our fun:

My mom and grandma baked 5 sheet pans of dessert bars!

Some of Yaw's classmates watching his picture video.

Yaw had to show off his ladder golf skills.

JJ and Grandpa Tim played some baseball.

The girls kept track of the little ones.

And Grandma Lori brought out the bubbles.
So, my first shot at hosting a graduation party is in the books. Whew! :)

On Monday night we went to Yaw’s senior recognition night and I will end with his bio that was printed in the program:

What is your favorite high school memory?
Winning regionals

What is your favorite teacher quote?
“Sit down! You’re making me nervous!” – Mr. Caves

What are your future plans?
Become an architect and start my own business.

What advice would you give to the underclassmen?
Anything you do, do it with all seriousness and it will pay off.

Over the past 4 years, God has taught me…..
To trust in Him.

What verse means the most to you at this time?
Philippians 4:13 - I can do everything through him who gives me strength.


  1. Looked like the party was a hit!!! I am sure Yaw LOVED it.....

  2. I had to look again when you said your grandpa was in the truck, didn't see him at first. And are those ham sandwiches? Your mom and I did those for our graduations and I did them for my wedding. Some things never change. :) Looks like the party was a huge success. On my way to Iowa tomorrow. You have one of the best families around!!!
