Monday, May 10, 2010

Minnesota Trip Picture Overload

This past weekend we went up to the frozen tundra (Minnesota) for a tournament. It. Was. Freezing. Seriously….kind of like going through winter all over again! :) We went up a day early so we could squeeze in some time with Grandpa & Grandma Sullivan before the games started for the weekend. Here’s a picture of ‘all of us’ minus Grandpa Sullivan and me of course:

That’s Uncle Nick (Jake’s bro) dusting off his basketball skills in the driveway with Yaw and Sam. Did you notice Daddy up in the tree?

Check out Uncle Nick’s ups…

He can still shoot it too!

Jayla & cousin Dakota


Grandma Jane & Jayla

Grandma Jane & JJ

On Friday morning Jayla decided it was time to potty train her baby. My mom told me this was coming and I guess Friday was the big day for baby. She did good. :)

Then we were off to the Mall of America! I think we hit up every single sports store on every single floor. The boys’ favorite store was Champs! And of course we had to take our annual trip into the amusement park at the mall. They have the best rides for little kids.

Checking out the rides...

Diego's bus

Jayla’s favorite was the carousel. She was so excited to ride the horse!

The boys did the log ride and JJ got absolutely soaked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Saturday and Sunday was all fun and games at the gym.

Here is the tournament gang. From the left it is Jayla, Nyla, lil JJ, big JJ, and Keayla.

They played this roll the ball game over and over all weekend. Jayla would get rolling with laughter whenever the baseball would bounce. It was one of those things that she thought was so funny and we don’t know why!

This is Coach Clark with Jayla. He has a golden retriever and Jayla loves to go through the pictures of his ‘puppy’ on his phone. The minute she sees Clark the first thing she says is ‘puppy’ and then Clark brings up the pictures and she browses through them. Someday we will have a puppy Jayla! Someday!


And that was our trip! So far this year we have been to tournaments in Wisconsin, Arkansas, Kansas, Minnesota, and the boys have also gone to Texas for a tournament. Coming up this weekend Jake is hosting a tournament at the facility in Ankeny so we get a little break from traveling. JJ is absolutely LOVING all this traveling. Last week when we had gotten home from Kansas I literally had just finished putting away the laundry on Monday and he asked me when we were going to pack up again! At least he adds a little enthusiasm into the packing routine for me.


  1. Nice Coach Clark picture. And Jayla can come over to play with our puppy ANYTIME!!! He would love the attention!

  2. I love seeing Grandma Jane's red hair with JJ and Jayla! Makes me smile! :D
