Monday, April 12, 2010

Our Weekend In Pictures

Well, this past weekend was the only weekend on the calendar that we have free until the end of May, so I thought I would share our fun with you in pictures!

On Friday we took a visit to Grandma's house out in the good ol’ country! This busy mommy always gets a nice little break when we go to Grandma’s!

Yes, the sun and the fresh air was just what I needed! The country is also good for hollerin….

But sometimes Mommy makes you smile nice for the picture.

Grandma introduced JJ and Jayla to baseball gloves and how to play catch!

But of course a day isn't complete without some hoops!

Saturday it was time to get to work with the first mowing of the year.

And the grill master fired 'er up for the first time of the year and cooked us a great lunch!

We also took a trip to Wal-mart on Saturday and as we passed through the toy aisle JJ noticed a little bike that was down from the rack on the floor. To our surprise he ran up to it, hopped on, and started pedaling down the aisle!!!!!!!!!!!! You might remember that last year we got JJ a bike for his birthday but he refused to ride it because he was so scared…..the one we got him was a little too big. But this one seemed to fit just right so we ended up walking out of Wal-mart with a purchase that was not on our shopping list. It will actually work out great though because we will give Samuel the bike that we had intended JJ to ride which is currently collecting dust in our garage! After nap time JJ gave his bike a whirl and he kept saying “I love this bike!” over and over!

Good job, JJ!!!!!!!!!!!!! I actually might be the most excited about this bike because it means that I can teach JJ to ride alongside of me when I go for a run around town. Last year I had to run while pushing a double stroller (NOT FUN) and this year I’ve had to strategically plan my runs for when JJ is with Jake so I only have to push a single stroller! But, I would love JJ to be able to go with me on the runs, and once he gets the hang of pedaling and steering at the same time I’ll take him (don’t worry Great-Grandma, he does have a helmet)!

Mommy and Daddy also got to go on a date night on Saturday night! Yes Mommy got all fancied up and Daddy put on his best sweat suit and we headed into the city for a little shopping and some P.F. Changs!

On Sunday we took it easy and played outside most of the day. JJ LOVES this $2 ball that we got at Wal-mart which actually was on the shopping list!

Daddy showed him how to throw it up against the house and then catch it, so he did that over and over and over!

Jayla was content to sit and play with her baby outside. :)

And that was our weekend! Sam was with his Mom this weekend so he had lots of fun too but we sure missed his smiling face!

Oh, and here is hint #2 as to what is coming to the Sullivan household….

The rest will be installed later this week! I am sure you will have it figured out by then!

P.S. Has anyone else noticed that I am constantly referring to myself in the 3rd person as Mommy and Jake as Daddy? How does that come to happen? Weird.


  1. It happened when you became a mom. But we still know you as Jake and Janel. When you get to my season of life, you find your name again, or in the case of your mom, gramma.

  2. Fun weekend!
    And I still think it's a Goal Setter!! :)

  3. not sure what a goal setter is, but it must be something to do with basketball... love the pictures :) and as far as identity... from now on you're going to be JJ's mommy, Jayla's mommy, Samuel's mommy, Jake's wife...I posted about this very subject once...only after someone said, "aren't you Noah's mom?" Noah is my DOG! :) Currently, it's "aren't you Maddie (or Maci's) gramma?"

  4. Okay now my guess is a basketball hoop but I would be amazed if you don't already have one!

    I love when your name changes. In our town, I'm occasionally known as Dr. Ryan's wife and that's slowly becomming Scott's mommy.
