Thursday, April 1, 2010

Jayla Update

Jayla is just cracking me up these days because I can literally have a conversation with her! This is so totally foreign to me because JJ didn’t really start talking until after 2 ½ (he said words, but no phrases). However, Jayla can put lots of words together into pretty good sized phrases, she asks me questions, and she responds back to EVERYTHING that I say with yes, no, or her latest is to say ‘K’ for okay. For instance she’ll say something like, “mommy, play bubbles?” (she is obsessed with bubbles right now) and then I might say, “First we need to eat dinner and then we will play with bubbles” and then she will look at me and say “K” with a big smile. It just sounds so sweet coming from her! Whenever I am getting ready in the morning she usually knows that we are going to be going somewhere and so she will run through her list of possible places that we might be going. She says “go music class?” and “go church? Max!!!” (she has a best friend at church named Max) or sometimes she will say “go for run?” because she LOVES it when I take her for a run in the exer-jogger! The other day we had just gone through the DQ drive thru and Daddy was reaching back and giving her bites of his blizzard. At first she was yelling “Daddy!” whenever she was ready for her next bite, but then he got kind of slow at getting her bites so she started yelling “Jake!”!!!! It was clear as day!!!!! I have no idea how she even knew that was his name, but she must be listening to me when I am trying to get his attention or something! Also, one last story about her talking. The other night we were sitting on the couch after dinner and Jayla was next to me flipping through some books. I started running my fingers through her hair and I heard her say “No mommy” as she tried to dodge her head away. A minute or so went by and I started combing my fingers through her hair again and this time she looked right at me and said “NO MOMMY, NO HAIR, I READ THIS!” Okay I got the point that time!!! :)

Jayla also is constantly demanding Jake or I to watch her if she is doing something! We have this c.d. that we listen to a lot in the car, and whenever we turn it on she ‘dances’ in her carseat and she will yell out “Daddy!” or “Mommy!” until we turn around and watch! She also does this if she is trying to show us something like the moon outside, or an animal that she sees on tv, or a puppy that we see when we are on a walk. If we don’t look when she is trying to get our attention she will yell our names over and over again until we look. She does this in the car A LOT and finally I’ve had to start telling her that mommy has to drive and that I can’t look back and make eye contact with her every 30 seconds when she wants to tell me something! :)

Jayla also does a very good job of entertaining herself with her toys! Sometimes I think she even prefers to just sit by herself and flip through books, or play with her babies. Jake and I just love watching her mother her little dolls! She puts them ‘ni-night’, feeds them (including eating sound effects) and pretends to change their diaper! All of this she has just learned from how I care for her. It is so crazy to watch how she has caught on and repeats everything with her dollies!
We’ve also had no issues with the switch to the big girl bed. I think it is much more comfortable for her and that she likes it a lot better. Both she and JJ LOVE to sleep, so the bed transition was easy with both of them. Next up will be potty training! She is starting to show signs that she is ready, now I just need to get with it!

Enjoy some pictures:

All dressed up and nowhere to go.

Chasing bubbles again!

Someone is loving her dress up trunk these days!

Thoroughly enjoying her popsicle!

Another popsicle with JJ.

Going for a run!

Thanks gramma for our new kitchen!

First slide of the year....and many more to come!


  1. Jayla did the same thing to me on our walk while I pulled the wagon. She kept saying my name, about 10 times, until I realized she wanted me to look at something. I love how she says, "Yes" when you ask her a question.

  2. So sweet. I love the tutu pictures...she's adorable!! I also crack up whenever Audrey yells "Christy!" to get my attention. Girls. They are so fun!! We should get together for another playdate sometime soon!
