Tuesday, April 20, 2010

And the New Addition to the Sullivan Landscape is.....

A basketball hoop for the driveway!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You knew it was coming didn’t you????!!!! Yes, this was what my hints were leading up to (congratulations Heidi – you had the closest guess – it’s not a Goal Setter, but I’ll make you the winner!). Jake has been dreaming and scheming and believing this would happen for over two years….and now it is here! I have heard story after story after story from Jake and his parents about the endless hours that Jake spent in his driveway shooting hoops when he was growing up. Everything from his mom warming his gloves in the oven before he would go out and shoot in the winter, to the many times that his Dad beat him one-on-one that would end with Jake so mad that he would cry. I am so excited for our family to begin making these memories with our own hoop now. We were gone all weekend for a tournament when they finished up the installation, so JJ and Sam had to wait until yesterday to break it in. JJ wanted to shoot all day long! About every two hours we all went out so that he could shoot with it lowered down to 8 feet. Once Sam got home from school he was out shooting all afternoon and then again after dinner. It’s going to be used a lot!!!!

Thank you www.sportconstruction.com!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Fun! I'm sure that will see a lot of use! (And I'm so excited to win!) :)

  2. Now how did I get that wrong????

    Looks like the boys love it and I am sure in no time Jayla will be right along with them!
