Thursday, March 4, 2010

Sneak Peak

Tomorrow I am starting a two-day project of giving Jayla’s room a little ‘makeover’! Her room is a tad bland right now….cherry wood infant furniture, white bedding, and tan walls….certainly does not match her personality! Right Jayla?

Yes, that's what I thought. A girl has to hold her own when she is living in a house full of boys! Well, for the past 6 months I’ve been excitedly dreaming and scheming of how to coordinate the perfect little girl’s room for my big girl who will be saying bye bye to her crib! I am ready to jazz it up a bit! I had been going back and forth between doing a tropical theme or a butterfly theme, and then I saw the PERFECT painting at Pier I that sealed my decision. I’ll give you a sneak peak:

Have you seen it? I LOVED IT! The colors just seem to match a red-haired brown-eyed girl perfectly! After I first laid eyes on the painting I waited and waited and waited to see if it would go on sale….and after Christmas it did and I got it at a steal of a price! The painting is kind of the center piece of the room, and I am trying to do the rest of the colors to follow its palette. Hopefully it works out and my uncraftiness won’t shine through too badly. If all goes well I will show you the results next week. My mom is kid-wrangling for me so I get two days off mommy-duty + a date night with my husband + some sweet time to blast the music, paint, and work my creative side. I am excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. cannot wait to see it! she will love it!

  2. so fun! Can't wait to see how it turns out. Please post pictures :)

  3. Ha! Kid wrangling. I like it. Too bad I'm not the one doing it though. Well, I guess that's okay. I'm wrangling this afternoon through Saturday. :)

  4. Oh! Forgot to mention that I can't wait to see it. And I would like to see it in person. That means I want to watch the kiddos!
