Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Sam Update

Well, you saw yesterday that our first big purchase for Sam has been a bike!!! And oh boy did he need something to get him around town! This boy is the most social thing that has maybe ever walked the streets of Huxley! :) His personality so craves friendships and things to do. He is not much for sitting around the house. He wants to be outside playing, or going somewhere, or doing something! Over spring break Sam got to spend lots of time with some friends that he has made in our town. The first day of break some of the boys from his school stopped by our house to see if he wanted to go down to the basketball courts. This was pre-bike days so I got him all set up in my old, yet un-used, roller blades to head down to the courts (about ½ mile from our house). I watched him through the window as he tried to get going down the sidewalk and almost wiped out twice so I quickly ran outside and made him take them off! Otherwise I thought that he would for sure end up with a broken hand if I let him try to remember how to skate (he said it had been awhile). Eventually one of his friends let him borrow a bike, and he ended up hanging with the neighborhood guys until sun-down that day. They all couldn’t wait until it got dark so that they could play a game called camouflage which sounded something similar to tag combined with capture the flag but with flashlights. For the rest of spring break he hung out at Jake’s gym a lot, went to a roller skating party, got invited to go to an Iowa Energy game (and caught one of the players headbands that was thrown out after the game which was very exciting for him), stayed the night at two different friend’s houses, and had a friend over to spend the night at our place. Many of Sam’s good school friends are from families that go to our church, so we have already seen them around and know their names. It has been a huge blessing for Sam to have made such great friends already! What an answer to prayer!

Sam is on Jake’s 5th grade Kingdom Hoops team, so that has kept him busy as well. He has practice on Monday and Thursday nights, so Jake picks him up right after school and they head to the gym. He LOVES to stay at the gym after practice to hang out while Jake coaches the older players. I usually bring JJ to the gym on those nights as well, so they have fun bumming around and playing ‘pick-up’ games with the other kids there. The high school teams have started practicing again now too, and the first weekend that Sam got to watch them practice was so exciting for him. He was talking about all the players all the way home, and asking Jake all sorts of questions about them. He is going to love traveling to tournaments and getting to watch the older kids play.

Sam is also keeping me very up-to-date on what songs are ‘in’ for kids these days. We made a c.d. the other night, and this song playing is one of the songs that he had picked out. I just LOVE this song!!!! A couple of other songs that he wanted on the c.d. were Mr. Postman by the Marvelettes and I Feel Good by James Brown. :) I’ve also noticed that Sam can definitely carry a tune....he’s got a good singing voice! Enjoy the pictures!

At practice...

Practicing in the kitchen!

Listening to the new c.d.

Hangin out after school!


  1. Janel, I have a gray hoodie that Sam left at my house Sunday. I'll try to catch him at school or something. He is a pleasure to have around--almost always smiling and very polite!

  2. Janel,
    I love reading your blog and we live close to you in Woodward. We have a mixed family too. We have two sons by birth and in February just brought home two girls from Haiti.
