Monday, March 22, 2010

The Path

Each day I have many choices to make. Lately I’ve been picturing my life as a path, and in each decision that I make I see that I am choosing to go one of two ways. I can either make decisions that will keep me on the path that God has paved for me. Or, I can choose to trail off this path to succumb to my own agenda and priorities.

When my alarm goes off at 6:45am for me to get up and spend 20 precious and quiet minutes reading God’s word and in prayer, will I do it? Will I give Him my anxieties and worries and allow His word to align my perspective to where it should be? Will I take this time to find hope in His promises and guidance in His wisdom? Will I sit at the feet of my Savior before the rest of the house wakes up and there is breakfast to be made, and people to get dressed, and blogs to post? Or will I consciously make the decision to roll back into those ever-appealing moments of sleep until my next alarm clock comes 20 minutes later over the baby monitor? Psalm 119:105 Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.

When JJ acts out in disobedience and disrespect to me will I discipline him lovingly, with a caring voice and gentle instruction? Or will I give full vent to my anger and yell demands at him because it feels better to get my frustration out? Ephesians 4:29,31 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.

When people are rude, shady, and backstabbing to me or my husband will I forgive them, pray for them, and treat them kindly? Or will I harden my heart towards them and hastily think about how good it will feel when they finally get what they deserve? Luke 6:27-28 But I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.

When my ideas and my husband’s ideas aren’t quite lining up will I choose to respect him and support him and his decisions? Or will I keep score so that when the time is right I can spout off my list of everything that he isn’t doing for me in an effort to showcase that I think I deserve more? Ephesians 5:33 However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.

When I am occasionally asked to pick Sam up from school in the middle of kiddo nap time will I do so with a good attitude? Or will I complain and whine about how nap time is my only time to get anything done and then grudgingly drag my feet all the way thinking I deserve more time to work on my to do list. Ephesians 6:7 Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not men.

With each of these choices, will I stop and pray first and ask God to help me to respond in the right way? Or will I act upon my first instinct because it’s easier, quicker, gives momentary fulfillment, and takes less thought? Psalm 25:8-9 Good and upright is the Lord; therefore he instructs sinners in his ways. He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way.

These are just a few of the choices I am faced with each day. To take God’s path is harder. It means I must submit to Him. I must surrender my desires, agendas, and plans for my life and instead give way for Him to work in me according to His purposes. On His path I can be certain that He will develop my character through trials and joys and hardships and blessings and pain and happiness and sorrow. On God’s path I am told to do everything opposite of what the world tells me. I am told I must deny myself. I can’t divulge myself in the world’s standards that seem to tug at me all day long. Instead I must lose my life in Him. God’s path is clear. It is completely marked out for me in his word, if I choose to read it and pray over it. It is my choice as to whether I will let His words take reign in my heart, and another choice as to whether or not I will put them into practice.

But, on the other hand, my path often looks much more appealing. It looks easier. And more comfortable. I often think that it would feel much better if I could go along with my own agenda. If I could just make decisions off my own thoughts, feelings, and plans then I think everything will still turn out ok. When my desires are filled, it feels good for the moment. And sometimes, that seems to be all that matters. My path is much simpler to take when I am not spending time reading my Bible, because God’s instructions are not on my heart. My only care is my desires. Desires like venting my anger, and getting revenge, and getting more sleep, and more time to myself, and less time meeting other people’s needs and more time spent on getting what I think I deserve. But in reality, something opposite of all this happens when I veer off God’s path. Take for instance when I press the alarm off and go back to sleep without spending time with God before I start my day. What happens is that I regret it because my only chance at time alone with Him is lost to the busyness of the day. Throughout the day God’s wisdom, commands, and perspective are not fresh on my mind, or fresh on my heart like they could be if I only would have gotten up. I feel worry, unrest, and anxiousness instead of peace, joy, and clarity. I respond to situations in a different way than I would have if God’s word was center stage for the day. And all for the pleasure of 20 more minutes of sleep. Definitely not worth it. When I yell in anger and impatience at my kids I am looking for a moment of satisfaction in venting my frustrations. Instead I watch as their faces sink, and I see and feel their hurt at my response. When I keep score with my husband I think I will find reason for not respecting him. But what I find instead is brokenness and distance. And, these are the types of consequences I face when I veer off God’s path and take my own.

But, when I do choose the wrong way, I thankfully find that I serve a God who is rich in grace and mercy. I expect condemnation and pointing fingers. But I find forgiveness. I expect Him to throw up His hands and say ‘What am I going to do with you? Haven’t you learned this yet?” But instead I find open, loving, arms that say ‘Come and sit with me awhile. Let Me give you strength to do better next time.” Yes, I still have to face the consequences of my choices. But, God is not man. He doesn’t give up on me, or shun me, or leave me for lost. He gently guides me onward, leading me back onto this path that He has called me too. “Count the cost,” I hear Him say. And then, “Come follow Me.”

Isaiah 30:21
Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it."


  1. Excellent. I have also come to cherish my quiet time in the mornings before birds start to sing and all is calm, before radios go off and commotion stirs the bathroom waters. There is a small window each morning for instruction.

  2. Love the picture. Did your Mom take that one? Great post too. Following Christ is always about choices.

  3. Great post. And thanks for posting the picture. It reminded me I hadn't gotten on to look at the rest. You are right, the trail is a great shot! I'll have to get there asap. Too bad R doesn't end the day at East, he could give Sam a ride home and leave nap time uninterrupted. :) If he ever needs a ride TO school though that would work.
