Friday, February 19, 2010

Updated Samuel Pictures!

Got these two awesome pictures of Samuel yesterday! He is pictured here with his foster mother, and the other lil guy that is being adopted by a family with our adoption agency. Samuel is looking so good!

It’s so hard to just sit here and wait until the rest of these papers are processed…..especially since he is officially ours in Ghana. I JUST CAN’T WAIT ANY LONGER! But, I will. :)

Also found out a few more tidbits about Samuel over the past couple of weeks. On Samuel's baptismal certificate his birthday was listed as August 5th, 2004.....which means he is actually only 5 years old!!!! He is VERY tall compared to his other peers, so I think that is why he looks so old in the pictures. When we met him I felt like his age was accurate. We also found out that Samuel’s father is in fact deceased, and he also had albinism.

And, I wanted to let you know that our adoption agency is now accepting new families to adopt within the Ghana program. Any pioneers out there? Let me assure you that this program is not for the faint of heart! However, I do feel much more optimistic with this program now that our agency has paired up with CompAfriCare Foundation ( to process the adoptions in Ghana. Kofi, who works on behalf of our agency and CompAfriCare Foundation in Ghana, has been wonderful to work with. He is very knowledgable about the process, not to mention he just plain gets things done on a speedy time frame. I couldn’t believe it when I looked back in our adoption journal the other day and realized that we received Samuel’s referral just on October 29th! That was less than 4 months ago!!!! WOW! Completely different time frame than how our adoption journey began. I’ve said it before, but I don’t think our adoption journey has been very ‘typical’ as far as international adoptions go, but not for sure. Hopefully our experience has aided our agency in getting some of the ‘kinks out’ with this new program. That was one of the goals afterall. If you feel so led, check out the details of the Ghana program at: I am certain that God has many other families picked out to adopt from Ghana. Please pray and ask God if it could be you!

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