Wednesday, February 17, 2010

More On Sam

So, Sam started school at Ballard East a few weeks ago in Mrs. O’s 5th grade class. And, Jake and I were quickly launched into sharpening up our lost and dusty homework skills. We’ve already set up a system. For math and history/social studies, Sam can go to Jake. For spelling and reading/grammar, it’s all me. I think science will be double duty. My first prayer for Sam was that he would make some good friends at school. And, his first week, on the second day of school he was asked to meet some kids at the fitness center in our town to play some hoops afterschool. Later that night we attended our church’s kids ministry which involves age appropriate teaching time over scripture, as well as a drama that acts out what is learned in the classes, and family worship time with dancers/singers/etc (it’s AWESOME!). Well, a bunch of kids in Sam’s class were there, and they were all about showing him around and engaging him in everything. It was so cool. Then, later that week Sam was invited to a classmate’s birthday party over the weekend! And, just last night he was invited to another classmates birthday party that isn't until the end of March! Talk about early notice! Man, what is it with kids these days? They are actually nice and welcoming to new students! :)

I’ve caught myself smiling at some of the things that Sam has said. The first night he was with us JJ and Jayla basically swarmed him the entire night, dragging out toy after toy, fighting for his attention, wanting to sit right next to him on the couch, etc. After the first few hours we were in JJ’s room putting away Sam’s clothes and Sam looked at me as he held Jayla and said, “I always wanted a little brother or sister. Now I have both!” It was so sweet. I also heard him say to Jake, “Do you think I’ll be able to dunk when I am in the 9th grade?” And, to me on day 3 he said, “I have a question, should I call you Mom or Janel?” :) He also said to me one morning, "Do you need any help cleaning? I like to clean."

JJ and Jayla have adjusted perfectly to having Sam around, in fact, they won’t leave him alone! He does such a good job of playing with them and getting them anything they need. When we are out running errands or going somewhere he likes to get Jayla out of her car seat and carry her in. And, you better believe that she just loves it. Poor Yaw. Jayla has officially dumped him for Sam. She used to get so excited when Yaw would get home, but now she is all about Sam and follows him around everywhere. Sam is starting to get his big brother role down perfectly. He says things to JJ like ‘don’t pick on your sister’ and ‘don’t say poopy at the table’. The other night JJ spilled a huge plate of taco dip and a tub of grapes when he was mountain climbing into the fridge for something. Sam immediately jumped up from the table and started helping JJ clean it all up.

You may be wondering if life has turned crazy now with another child, but those of you who know me will be able to attest to the fact that God has created me to be a scheduler, planner, routine-maker, whatever you want to call it. Yes, I am one of those people who does the laundry the same day every week, gets groceries on the same day every week, cleans on the same day every week, has dinner on the table at the same time every night, etc. etc. And I love it. And, my kids thrive on a routine. That’s just how we roll. Don’t get me wrong, sometimes I can take it to a bit of an extreme, and be a little too rigid with our daily routines. I am learning that it’s good to keep everyone on track, but that I also need to be flexible when needed. This is where Jake completely balances me out because he is very not-scheduled. He does things when they need to be done, but he doesn’t plan things out like I do. However, a few months ago I did notice that he has started writing out his daily to do list at the beginning of each week just like me, so I’m starting to rub off on him. Anyways, Sam has really just fallen right into the routine that our family is in day-to-day. It’s easy to catch on because it’s pretty much the same routine every week. So far, not too much has changed in our daily routine since Sam is at school all day. Jake picks him up after school most days and then they head to the gym for practice. I am still cooking about the same amount of food as before….just no leftovers now. I am getting a few more snack type items at the store now for Sam. His food requests on our first grocery trip were ritz crackers with spray cheese, grapes, pears, apples, apple juice, pizza rolls, and chocolate pudding. Typical 5th grade boy appetite I think. Too bad Jake got a hold of Sam’s spray cheese and ate almost the whole can during one sitting. Jake claimed that he used to eat spray cheese all through out highschool but had since forgotten about it! I am sure Sam will be reminding Jake of a lot of things like that!

We also are getting a lot of use out of our Nintendo Wii now! Jake’s parents gave this to us for Christmas, and boy has it come in handy! Wii Sports is the way we tend to wind down at night…..playing a few very competitive games of bowling. The Wii is really the only 5th grader friendly ‘toy’ that we have. Sam is pretty happy to just play the Wii, play with JJ and Jayla, or watch sitcoms on Nickelodeon when he has some down time if we aren’t going anywhere.
Here are a few pictures!


Bringing in the history buff.

JJ loves to watch Sam play Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on the Wii.

Fast buddies!


  1. he looks like a great little boy. i'm so happy he found i told mom....samuel will think he died and went to heaven when he finally gets here. i believe sam probably thinks the same. how great it is that you and jake can do these truly takes a special heart. so proud of you...

  2. That's amazing news janel. I learned a lot from your posts, specifically saying "yes, Lord" before the question is asked.

  3. I love hearing all about Sam. Thanks for the updates. BTW - you should add the new Sam to your sidebar :)

  4. I just realized that the "new" boy in my 5th grade son's D6 class is Sam! I hope he and Ryan can hang out sometime. Ryan and Kenton are good friends and Ryan said Sam is in band with him, also playing clarinet. Let me know if you ever need "mom" help. We'd love to get to know Sam.
