Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Last Day of Ghana Trip Journal: Day 7

This morning we got to sleep in! It felt so good to rest. Around 10am we talked with Esi and she said she would have her husband pick us up so he could show us around the town. She said he would be over in about 30 minutes. Well, an hour and a half later we were starting to wonder where he was. Although, when you are in Ghana, you are on Ghana-time, and that usually means about an hour later than what is said. About noon we wandered out of the hotel to wait for him and outside, and we found this:

Esi had planned a surprise party for us! She had invited close friends and family to come and thank us for helping Nana Yaw. One thing that I have certainly learned about Ghanaians is that they are so grateful! Esi cooked the best meal we have had since being here. Hands down – THE BEST! Just look at this line-up:
There was everything there from a freshly roasted turkey, to 3 different kinds of rice, to soup, beef, chicken, potatoes, fresh salad, even spaghetti. Now I know what Nana Yaw is missing! Have I mentioned that one of Esi’s 4 different jobs is that she is a wedding decorator? She also helps with catering and cooking so she has all of these food warmers that she uses at weddings. She’s got all the perfect pieces to throw a great party, and that she did!

We were introduced to lots of Nana Yaw’s friends and family, we ate and had a great time. Towards the end of the party Nana Yaw’s grandmother presented us with gifts….traditional African wear and personalized jewelry with our names on it!

In Ghana they hand sew all the beautiful fabrics to fit your exact body dimensions. Well, since they weren’t able to measure us they guessed our sizes from pictures. The outfits were so fun! They wanted us to change into them right away, so we did!

Jake looked pretty spiffy in his African shirt, athletic shorts, and high-top basketball shoes. He’s pictured here with Nana Yaw’s mother and father.

And, here is me in my outfit! I am pictured here with Nana Yaw's sister, brother, mother & uncle.
What a great way to spend our last day in Ghana!

Later that afternoon we met up with Mark & his wife one more time to talk through a few more details about Kingdom Hoops Ghana. It was then that Amina gave me a beautiful gold necklace with a heart shaped charm that has the Ghana flag in the middle. This gift was the perfect ending to our trip. This heart shaped necklace represents so many things. Leaving Samuel here in Ghana means that a piece of my heart also stays here. Not only that, but this necklace also represents how this trip has opened up my heart to this country and to this group of people. I will always think of both of these things when I wear this necklace.


It’s evening time now and we are sitting in the airport waiting to board our flight home. As I sit here I’ve started to reflect on this amazing trip that we have just had. I am not sure yet how this trip has changed me. I feel very changed on the inside, and I think I will be able to tell in what ways when I get home.

While in Ghana I really missed my kids and our friends and our family. I am also really missing just the normal routine of life. I love our crazy-busy life at home in Iowa, and I missed it while being here. I also really missed American food, and warm water for taking a shower. When I get home I may never eat rice and chicken again because that is all I have eaten for almost 8 days now. Right now I just feel hungry for some ham or ground beef or Italian food. Or some chips and salsa. And a diet coke.

This trip was also emotionally draining in such a deep way. I’ve gone through full-range of emotions while being here. The first few days I was sort of in shock and trying to figure out how exactly to digest the sights and experiences. Then the next few days I felt extreme sadness for the conditions here and complete lack of opportunity for these people. Suddenly, the next day frustration set in….this led to anger and lots of questions running through my mind. Over all of these emotions I also was elated over some of the relationships we had started with people like Mark, and Kofi, and of course Samuel and his mother and their community. And, now, I am so happy to be going home. I can’t wait to hug and smooch my children. I just can’t wait.

We leave here, knowing that we will soon be back. Hopefully, many more times. Until then, Samuel and Ghana will be in the memories floating through my mind every second. They will be in the pictures and stories that we will tell when we get back. And, for sure they will stay in my heart until we meet again.

1 comment:

  1. Janel, thank you again for such emotional posts! I found myself running to see if you had updated your blog every morning. I also found that I totally tuned everything out while reading your awesome experience. May God be with you while waiting for your answers on Samuel. I will be on the edge of my seat to hear about the day you bring him home!
