Friday, December 11, 2009

No Pressure

Do you remember this?

Or this?

Well, if you don’t, tonight if you are headed to the ISU vs Iowa basketball game you will get to catch a glimpse of Jake’s sharp shooting skills (or what is left of them!) Jake was asked last week to do a charity $ for shots deal at Hilton Colisseum tonight. He will be shooting throughout the game during time-outs and half-time. Hy-Vee is sponsoring it, and here is what Jake has to do:

He will shoot 25 three pointers….5 balls at 5 different spots.

The first 4 balls at each spot will get Jake $100 for each shot made. The 5th ball at each spot is considered the money ball, and he would get $250 each time he makes the 5th shot.

Now, get this….The total amount of money Jake ‘earns’ with his shooting will go to the charity of Jake’s choice plus they are picking out a random person from the stands who will win the amount Jake earns with his shooting, plus Hy-Vee is matching the amount Jake earns and will donate that amount to the ISU scholarship foundation. Got it?




  1. Oh my gosh........hopefully he has been practicing!!! :)

    How fun!!!!

  2. WOW...he better be at the gym ALL DAY TODAY PRACTICING UP!! Can't wait to hear how he does!!

  3. How fun! Now why didn't they have him do that last night? I was at that game. I got to see Trisha and Amanda play against each other. It was a good game! Have fun tonight!

  4. Carl and my dad are going to the game tonight. I will tell them to cheer loud:) Hope he does well!
