Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Pictures!

Our tradition....
Let the unwrapping begin!

JJ got a new Diego & Dora play set!

And Jayla got her first basketball!

Next up was Christmas Eve. Someone was very excited to get to Grandma's to open more presents!

And someone was looking beautiful in her Christmas dress!
Christmas Eve was spent with Janel's family.

JJ got a giant boots the monkey!

And Jayla got a giant Elmo! Perfect!

Oh look, a giant coloring book!

Chillin on the couch after a fun night.

Christmas Day it was off to Minnesota to celebrate with Jake's family. No the bad weather didn't stop us!
Here are the Sullivan GIRLS!

JJ got a NERF gun....Daddy was VERY excited!
Grandma Sullivan helped JJ learn how to load it.

Then JJ got to shoot it.

They did this over, and over, and over as you can tell!

JJ also got a new coaches board for the tournaments so he doesn't have to steal Daddy's anymore!

And Miss Jayla got her own princess dress up trunk (which JJ also loved!)

Everytime Jayla opened up a gift, the first thing she would do was run over to Yaw and show him. She just adores him!

I can't believe it's already all over. It always goes so fast!

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