Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Adoption Update: Pictures Posted! Trip Info!

From Kofi earlier week:

Dear Carla (our case worker),

I just returned from a trip to visit Samuel’s family. I was able to meet with Samuel but the mother was out to the farm. Samuel has not been attending school due to financial difficulties from the mother. I took Samuel back to school today and paid the little outstanding. He is doing very well as you can find the attached photo.

Court proceedings may start this week on Samuel’s adoption. The attorney is ready to file the adoption.

All the kids including Samuel and family are expecting a New Year celebration of some coco- cola drinks and biscuits when the Sullivan's arrive at the village, and of course some used shoes and used clothes. They are really waiting to celebrate the New Year in a grand style with cokes, drinks and sweets. We can buy all these if it will be a burden to bring all those, hopefully not cost more than $20 US for the party.

I will keep you updated.


And here is the recent picture of Samuel in his school clothes (his teachers are seated to the right):
He looks SO tall! And, so much older than 6! Maybe he is? Who knows?

Here is one of the first pictures we had of Samuel…he is pictured here with Kofi:

Not sure if you can see his orange hair in these pictures since they loaded small, but when you see the originals you can really see the orangey-ness. :) And I Love It!

So, as you read above, we are planning on meeting Samuel in his village on our trip. We just worked it all out this week and it sounds like our meeting day will be January 3rd. I am SO EXCITED, and absolutely thrilled that we will get to see his village and his way of life. I need help brainstorming some things to bring along for the children of the village. For Samuel we are bringing a remote control car, a new outfit, new shoes, and his welcome book. But, I also wanted to have some things for the other kids from the village that will be at the party. We are bringing them Kingdom Hoops t-shirts, and I was thinking about also bringing some suckers, and then maybe toy cars and/or bouncy balls. But, I need something for the girls that they could play with. Or, a better idea of what I should bring for the boys. It needs to be small enough to fit in our suitcase, and something that I can purchase a lot of. I think we are taking one suitcase that will hold extra things like this. Please share your ideas!

This was such an uplifting update! YAY!

By the way- have I mentioned that the name Samuel means “God Heard”? Praising God for all this excitement this week!


  1. If you click on the pictures, you can see the reddish hair. Exciting news. 3 weeks from today you leave! :)

  2. I have some friends who are still in Rwanda getting their little boy. They said that suckers and gum is a hit. So take lots!
    Don't forget the batteries for ther car! :) Oh, just reread that they also had Rice Krispie treats they all liked.
    How exciting that meeting Samuel is just around the corner!

  3. WOW. Jan 3. I got goosebumps reading that, it is SO close! My first thought for the girls was stickers. My girl LOVES stickers, and they are cheap and could pack a ton!! :)

  4. Very exciting news! How soon until he can come home with you?

  5. Good question....I completely forgot to mention that! We will not be able to bring him home on this trip....from now they are projecting 4-6 months to complete the adoption...meaning court dates, paperwork processing, etc. So, hopefully springtime! Which will be really good because I think it would be quite shocking for him to come here right in the middle of winter!

  6. My in-laws have adopted 8 kids, 5 from haiti. They just found out last year that one was actually 6 when she was adopted, not 3 like they thought! (She's now 17/20.) She was just so malnourished. So exciting you get to go see your little man soon!

  7. What about colors and coloringbooks for the girls...small and you can get lots or stickers and sticker books. For the boys small cars, balls, maybe a small basketball. Sounds like you have some good ideas. 3 weeks, how exciting!!

  8. Yeah! So happy and excited for you guys. It will be here so fast. The red hair I believe is another example of God's humor. Go to the $1 store, you'll be surprised at what you can find. What a blessing, congrats!

  9. What about those awesome flavored lip smackers for the girls. I just bought one for Jerzey to put in her could pack a lot and I am sure the girls would love them!! :)
    Such exciting news Janel...I am always thinking about you guys!!!

  10. Janel, how exciting to read. Samuel is handsome! I'm so excited for you guys to be going, and to be meeting Samuel.

  11. The meaning of Samuel gave me goosebumps!! He is beautiful Janel, and I think the thing I love most is his hair!!! How perfect for your family :)

    I remember when we went to Bolivia we brought balloons, and they LOVED them. My in-laws do trips to Costa Rica and always take balloons too - they work for both boys and girls and always seem to be a hit! Easy to pack too ;)

