Friday, October 2, 2009


I wanted to share some progress with you regarding the vision for the basketball academy that Jake has been working on for Ghana. I think I last left off after Jake’s trip to Ghana in February. It was during that trip that Jake was able to tour the Right to Dream Academy which is a program already set up in Ghana that helps children with a background of extreme poverty to receive an education through the medium of sport…particularly soccer (futbol).
You can read Jake’s journal from his first trip by going into my archived February posts (sidebar of blog) and finding the posts labeled with his journal entries. Looking at the journal entries on the blog will give you corresponding pictures for each day. Or, you can click on the following link which will take you to the page where you can download just the journal entries:

After spending a week with the Right to Dream staff and students, Jake came home and began putting all of his experiences, visions, information and ideas together to form a plan of how this was all going to come together. He has been researching and working on the plans and details for this all summer, and he is now ready to present it! So, introducing:
And, YOU are cordially invited to a black tie dinner at Fligg Fieldhouse celebrating the kickoff of PROJECT:GHANA and the Kingdom Hoops Scholarship Program; both initiatives of the Kingdom Hoops Foundation.

October 9th, 2009
Drinks and Appetizers 6–7:30pm
Dinner 7:30 pm
Program 8:30 pm
Fligg Fieldhouse
3305 SE Delaware Ave.
Ankeny, IA 50021

Please RSVP to by Friday, October 2nd with the names and number of guests attending.

I was hoping to get the actual invitation to load on here, but I couldn't figure it out! Anyways, next Friday, October 9th, Jake will be hosting a kick-off fundraiser dinner for Project:Ghana at the Kingdom Hoops facility in Ankeny. On this night Jake will basically be laying out his entire plan for the academy. And, this event will be the official marking point of transition between formulating the vision and securing plans to starting to raise money for the project. I am posting the invitation here on the blog at Jake’s request because anyone who is interested in learning more about this project is welcome to come. Please note that you don’t have to plan on donating if you come….this is more just a presentation of the vision/plans, and a marking point to tell the world that the fundraising is now beginning for the project. You don’t need to feel obligated to donate. If you plan on attending please email the RSVP contact as soon as possible. I am hoping to post a sneak peak into the academy sometime next week, with just a few basic details of his plans. :)

1 comment:

  1. I already have my dates for the night. Looking forward to it! :)And I really like the new header. Nice job!
