Thursday, October 8, 2009

A Cute JJ & Nyla Story

I just have to share the below story with you about JJ and his friend Nyla. I've blogged about these two before which you can read about here. Anyways, the below story is from the perspective of a parent who was at practice this week, and was watching this all unfold at the gym. She emailed Jake the story:

Hi Jake -
This evening while I was waiting for Low and Buay I noticed your son and Julian's daughter playing (I actually wasn't sure who the little girl was, Low and Buay told me who she was). First the two of them were sitting in the bleachers each drinking their drink, and dangling their feet -- so cute! Then Julian's daughter got up and headed for the bathroom. Your son followed and saw her go into the ladies restroom so he went into the men's. Of course (as is the case with adults) your son came out of the bathroom long before Julian's daughter. He waited maybe 30 seconds (at his point, I'm chuckling thinking, it's only the beginning --waiting for girls to come out of the bathroom), then he walked away for a minute and came back to check. She wasn't out yet so he went back in the men's room. He came back out, she's still not out. So he decides to go and knock on the bathroom door (I am just smiling at this point). She does not answer of course so he waits around. Pretty soon here she comes. She asks him if he knocked on the door -- I couldn't hear his response but he must have said yes because her response was, "you're such a dork". Oh my gosh, I just laughed. Didn't stop him, he kept following her and they kept playing. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the humor of the story and it's not one of those that you had to be there for it to be funny.

These two are too cute!