Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Baby Love

Don't you love how little girls adore babies?!?! These next few photos are of Jayla being very interested in baby Malia......our friends', Todd & Jess's, baby. Malia came by for a visit, and right when Jess set her infant seat down, Jayla went over and kneeled down in front of the carseat with her hands on her knees, and peered in. It was so cute! Where did she learn to do that? Of course I didn't have my camera to catch the moment, but I got a few good pictures after that.


  1. I remember another little girl who also loved her babies :)...and strollers...and blankets...

  2. oh i love little girls! adorable jayla and i love her little dress... it looks like a kimono! and does that baby have red hair? do you guys have something in the water down there? :) cute, cute pix!
