Wednesday, September 9, 2009

ISU Game & MN Trip

Alright, I need to do a little catching up from the big weekend break!
Last week we went to the first ISU game of the season. It was perfect weather, and you better believe we got all dressed up to show off our team spirit....
Seriously, could my little Cyclones get any cuter?
I must admit that I have dreamed for 9 years now about someday dressing up my little girl in an ISU cheerleading outfit. When I used to go to the games in college I always thought these little outfits were so cute.....
And, cute she was! Grass stains and all! :) Okay, I have to divulge Part 1 of our family secret now.........JJ LOVES football!!!! Whenever you ask him his favorite sport, or what he wants to play when he grows up, he always answers football. He was so very excited for this game, all day week long. Doesn't this smile just say it all?!

Jayla's dream came true when she got to have a bag of popcorn all to herself.
We had a great time at the game!
Next up was our annual Labor Day weekend trip to Minnesota to visit Grandpa & Grandma Sullivan!

We also got to see Uncle Nick, Aunt Crystal, and cousin Dakota.

We made our usual trip to the MN state fair.

Checking out the chickens with Uncle Nick and Grandma.

Jayla mooed and barked at the ducks, goats, and roosters! All JJ talked about all morning long was finding a tractor to sit on. We had no idea where he came up with thinking this, but luckily we did find some tractor-ish vehicles on display!

We also got to meet up with the lovely Backyardigans.

And, throughout the afternoon Jayla shared her opinions about being in the stroller.

It's a good thing Nana Yaw was there to give her some attention and hold her hand.
Isn't that the sweetest picture ever?!?!?! She kept reaching her little arm out of the stroller to get him to hold her hand.

In fact, all weekend Jayla became very fond of Nana Yaw! Whenever he was sitting with us she would climb all over him like a jungle gym, and then stop every once in awhile to snuggle...

On the last day of our time in Minnesota we took a shopping trip to the Mall of America! We finally had our chance to make Daddy ride all the dizzy rides with JJ!

Usually Grandma or Mommy have to be the ones getting sick at the amusement park! Grandpa & Grandma Sullivan LOVE to shop, and they bought us lots of cool stuff. Now, Part 2 of our family secret. Lately, when we ask JJ what team he wants to play football for, he says....the Hawkeyes (said in an EXTREME whisper!). Yes, I know some of my Hawkeye blogging friends are grinning ear to ear right now. We have a hunch that JJ learned about the Hawkeyes from hanging out with Coach Clark this summer....because the rest of us surely do NOT mention the black & gold. Well, Grandpa Sullivan thought this was all quite funny, and when JJ picked out a Hawkeye key chain at one of the stores, Grandpa couldn't wait to buy it for him!
I would like to add that Mommy & Daddy were not in the store with JJ when he picked this out!!!!!!!!! Yes, we've got some work to do on our Little Cyclone. Especially since ISU plays Iowa this weekend! I think that key chain might magically get lost sometime this week. :)
GOOOOOOO CYCLONES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And, thanks G & G Sullivan for a great trip!


  1. I sure hope JJ gets over liking the Hawkeyes. Especially after their performance against UNI. And who wants Hurkey the Turkey as a mascot? :)

  2. oh no! it happened to you too! we have hidden the black and gold jersey that brady wants to wear so badly!

  3. Great post! Looks like a fun weekend!

  4. Those little cyclones COULD NOT be any cuter! LOVE those pics!

    Also love the pic of Nana Yaw and Jayla holding's got all the ingredients of a perfect picture! Contrast of the size and color of their hands, and it's from behind...always a winner!!! :)
