Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Jake's Thought for the Week

It's baaaa-cccckkkk! Jake's Kingdom Hoops program swings back into gear next week, so his weekly newsletter has once again started up. I will be posting Jake's ever-so-popular 'thought for the week' each Monday (this week is a little different as it came out mid-week). Jake's tftw and program announcements get sent out each week to all the parents of the players in his Kingdom Hoops program. Here it is for this week:

Be very careful, then, how you live, not as the unwise but as the wise; making the most of every opportunity. -Ephesians 5: 15-16-

As we head into a new year it always excites me because each new year brings new opportunities, and new opportunities bring new goals, and new goals bring new accomplishments.

We have experienced a lot of change over this past month, but the one thing I can always take great comfort in is knowing that God usually allows change in order for his greater purpose to be accomplished. As we have talked as a staff over these past couple of weeks we have agreed that we will direct Kingdom Hoops in God’s way, and if we stay focused on this simple principle things will work out for the best. We are confident that God will create a platform for Kingdom Hoops to be known not just as a great basketball program, but a program with players, parents, and coaches that strive for excellence because that is God’s way. As a program we will recognize our talents and use them to create a platform in which God can use to impact lives that will go way beyond the basketball court.

Throughout life we all seek out new opportunities. We wait with patience for these opportunities to show their face and when they do we either choose to jump towards them with an unconditional faith ,or we choose to doubt if this opportunity is for real and miss it as it goes by. When we take hold of an opportunity we can be sure that the path will not always be an easy one. The path will be filled with ups and downs, obstacles and mountains to climb, but in the end it will be easy to see that the opportunities that show up in our path are usually opportunities God has created - if we will only take that first step of faith.

Give more than you are asked and you will receive more than you can dream,

Jake Sullivan

-I also wanted to note that Jake's new website is up and running! Visit

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see Jake's comments again. The website looks good :) ~Mom
