Friday, July 31, 2009

Naming Names

You may know by now that I like to look into the meaning of people's names, or hear the story of why parents picked a certain name for their child. Often times our names are a story within itself, and can hold much meaning and tradition.

Well, when I was reading through my new devotional book the other morning, I had an 'ah-ha moment' (for lack of a better term). The chapter had begun to share that God has literally hundreds of names that He is mentioned as in the Bible. For example he is our Counselor (Psalm 16:7), Provider (Genesis 22:14), Redeemer (Isaiah 59:20), Helper (Hebrews 13:6), Shelter (Joel 3:16). The 'ah-hah moment' came when the author stated that each of God's names in the Bible represents a way He wants us to trust Him. She goes on to say that many of us often have trouble remembering even some of God's basic names...yet, knowing God's names can actually be a great help and comfort to us no matter what situation we are finding ourselves in. Knowing God's names helps us to recognize His character, and this in turn could change how we live our lives.

A friend of a friend of mine just recently became a believer, recognized the Bible as truth and God as real, and has trusted Jesus as her Savior. Her husband however, is atheist and against her new found faith. He has been persecuting her - will hide her Bible so she can't read it. He has made her sign a contract stating that she will not talk with other believers, will not read the Bible, and will never teach anything in the Bible to their future kids....otherwise their marriage is over. To her, God surely must be a Refuge (Deut 33:27).

I have friends who have lost children, lost pregnancies mid-term, and lost the dream of having children of their own. To them, God must certainly be their Comforter (2 Cor 1:3-4)

When Jake is gone on trips I don't have to fret about the boogey man, but can peacefully lay my head down to sleep at night if I trust that God is my Protector (Psalm 32:7)

The author challenged me to remember and know God's names so that I don't forget one just when I need to remember it. I am starting simple, just by underlining God's names as I am come across them as I read them in the are some more:

Resting Place (Jeremiah 50:6), Healer (Psalm 103:3), Peace (2 Thess 3:;16), Strength (Psalm 28:7), Restorer (Psalm 23:3)

What is the name you most need to trust God to be to you during this time in your life?


  1. That is a beautiful post. Thank you for sharing. ~Mom

  2. Great post...although so sad about your friend and her husband...hopefully God helps them reach a happy medium for their family.

  3. This is FANTASTIC Janel. Truly, thanks for sharing, the Lord really spoke through it to me today. He is my Peace and my Constant. Thanks again!!!

  4. Power of a Praying Woman by Stormie O'Martian
