Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Happy Birthday JJ!

As of today I can boast to be the proud Momma of a 35.75 pound, 40.75 inch tall, 3 year old!
But, who could ever forget my sweet 7 pound 9 oz, 22 inch long bundle of boy joy that decided to make his entrance on my birthday, July 22, 2006!

I always smile when I think about the chances of all of it happening, and then I sometimes feel bad because JJ will always have to share his birthday with dear old MOM! Hopefully he will think it is as fun and unique of a bond as I do!

This year for our birthday party, my Mom hosted a BBQ for us at her place. It was so fun and relaxing to have someone else cook and prepare and clean and plan and host! Thanks mom! We asked JJ's friend Nyla and her family to come with us to help celebrate....we all played outside for a long time.

Of course a party isn't complete unless Jayla and lil J.J. are in the mix!

It was so nice to have Daddy all to ourselves!

The fresh, country air felt so good!

After we played, it was time to open presents!

Bet you can't guess who bought JJ this one!
(Ahem, Daddy is known for buying gifts that he wishes he could have)

Lookin good.

Wait, there is one last gift. Close your eyes! NO PEEKING!

What could it be?

(However, I can now say a few days later since JJ got this bike that actually getting him to ride it has- and will continue to be - an adventure....last month JJ witnessed his friend Nyla accidently crash into a fallen tree trunk on her bike, and he still has some fearful feelings that everyone who gets on a bike is going to crash into a tree. So, we'll have to see if he will ever actually ride this thing! Currently, he is determined that his little toosh will be found no where near the bike seat.)

4 birthday cakes?!?!?!

Yes, the birthday bond gets crazier....My mom was born July 23rd, JJ & I on July 22nd, and lil J.J. was born on July 23rd as well! Since we were all together, we had one big birthday blow-out!


  1. Happy Birthday JJ and Janel! How fun to share a birthday:) Hope you have a great day!

  2. Happy Birthday to you guys! Have a fabulous day!

  3. WOW what a great bond for you and JJ...Happy Birthday to you all!

  4. Happy Birthday JJ and Janel...we need to all get together SOON!!!!

  5. Happy birthday, JJ and Janel! Hope you both have a wonderful day!
