Thursday, June 18, 2009

Only A Daddy

On Tuesday afternoon Jake met me in Ames and took JJ & Jayla home so that I could run some errands. When I pulled into our driveway at home I noticed Jayla’s blanket next to the car on the lawn. I went over to pick it up, and that’s when I saw it…throw-up. Oh no, I thought. I went in the front door, and this is what I saw:
Jayla was sitting in her old infant seat right smack in front of the tv wearing JJ’s old basketball t-shirt, sweatpants, tight grip on her baby, and with a look on her face that could only be described as, “Help Mommy!”

“She puked on me,” Jake announced.

I started laughing because Jake always gets puked on. Always. Every. Single. Time.

“Why is she wearing JJ’s t-shirt?” I asked.

“Because she has no comfortable clothes,” he said matter-of-factly.

“Oh. Where did you find the infant seat?” I asked.

“In the basement,” he said.

Is it safe to say that only a daddy would think to put a sick baby in sweatpants, in a make-shift recliner, in front of a tv?


  1. Haha, serisously I laughed out loud at this. So cute, I love it when they try and be Mr. Mom, dads sure have some creative ideas!!

  2. oh too funny! what a GREAT daddy! a girl always needs comfy sweats! :) i hope she is feeling better! poor babe...

  3. I laughed out loud too because this is so true. Kudos to Jake though for caring for his little ones so you could get your errands done "kid free".

  4. omy that was hilarious! your post title hit it right on - "only a daddy"

    hope your punkin is feeling better!

  5. This is so funny! I laughed out loud too! I am pretty sure we have had some of those "only a daddy" moments. :)

  6. We can SO relate to this!!! I have come home to Elly in Cam's comfy clothes too...or Cam's diapers, or her own clothes BACKWARDS :D And the answer always does seem to be cuddling in front of the TV!

    Daddies are THE BEST!!! Great post :)
