Tuesday, April 21, 2009

All Done

Nana Yaw's room is finished! Now he can make it his own!

Have you ever thought to pray through your child's room? I hadn't thought of it until I read the book The Power of a Praying Parent by Stormie Omartian. In this book, the author explains that when her son was eleven he all of a sudden started having nightmares for apparently no reason. She and her husband prayed night after night that the nightmares would end. One morning she was praying alone about it and this time she asked God to show her exactly what was causing the nightmares. She felt strongly led to go into her son's room. She prayed again "Lord, if there is anything in this room that shouldn't be here, show me." She then felt prompted to go to his stash of computer games. The first game she picked up was one her son had borrowed from a friend at church. The outside of the box looked totally harmless...it was just a boy's action-adventure game. But, when she opened up the box and pulled out the small instruction booklet she found the worst kind of satanic material in it. They removed the game, talked with their son about it, and prayed over his room again. The proof that they had done the right thing came quickly...their son's nightmares stopped immediately-just as suddenly as they had began.

Here is her prayer for you to pray through in your own child's room:

I invite your Holy Spirit to dwell in this room, which belongs to (name of child). You are Lord over heaven and earth, and I proclaim that You are Lord over this room as well. Flood it with Your light and life. Crowd out any darkness which seeks to impose itself here, and let no spirits of fear, depression, anger, doubt, anxiety, rebelliousness, or hatred (name anything you've seen manifested in your child's behavior) find any place here. I pray that nothing will come into this room that is not brought by You, Lord. If there is anything here that shouldn't be, show me so it can be taken out.

Put your complete protection over this room so that evil cannot enter here by any means. Fill this room with Your love, peace, and joy. I pray that my child will say, as David did, "I will walk within my house with a perfect heart. I will set nothing wicked before my eyes" (Psalm 101:2-3). I pray that You, Lord, will make this room a holy place, sanctified for Your glory.


  1. It looks very cozy and warm! He will enjoy it :)

  2. Yay! What a wonderful thing done for Nana Yaw! I love it and the colors :)

  3. I love the idea of praying over children's rooms. I had a friend in college who would always pray over hotel rooms before we stayed, too, because you never know who might've been there before you.

    I'm doing this today!! And Nana Yaw's room looks awesome!
