Sunday, March 8, 2009

She Lived a Good Life

My sweet Grandma, Frances McVey passed away last night at 7:07pm. We knew this would come to be a few days ago. Over the past few days I have been recounting the memories I had of my Grandma, as I am sure many of us do when one of our loved ones passes on. One unique thing about my Grandma McVey is that through the years, she and my other Grandma – Grandma Somers had always stayed good friends. I think this is a unique relationship to find, and I always thought their friendship was very special. When talking to my other Grandma – Grandma Somers - on the phone the other night, she said of my Grandma McVey “She lived a good life.” And that she did. Grandma McVey was the mother of 4 children, 2 boys and 2 girls….the youngest of which is my Dad. My Grandma & Grandpa McVey raised their 4 children in a little white house with black shutters in Marshalltown, IA, right across the street from St. Henry Catholic Church. Some things I will always remember about my Grandma McVey are:

-Her socks with the fluffy balls on the heels
-Her turquoise bracelet
-The coo coo clock in her kitchen
-When I was really young she would make me special coffee drinks…half coffee, half milk. I always thought it was neat that she let me drink coffee when I wasn’t even a ‘grown up’ yet.
-The smell of bacon in the kitchen
-The big piano in their house that she always let me ‘play’
-When I went away to college she would always tell me to come and visit! This always reminded of me of when I was little and used to come and visit her and my grandpa and stay the night for a few days. I love how grandparents always get so excited for their grandkids to come and visit!
-When Grandma McVey met Jake for the first time….we were eating dinner and she began telling Jake that she had been an All-State basketball player back in her day. Jake smiled and said, “Really!” and then kept right on eating. I think Grandma thought Jake must have thought she was joking. Because a few minutes later she headed down to the basement and came back with an old scrapbook…..and the newspaper clipping declaring Frances McVey as an all-state player.
-Most of all, I will remember Grandma McVey’s kind and gentle spirit. She was very soft-spoken and always warm hearted. And, always smiling.

My mom said the other day that when I was born she thought I looked just like Grandma McVey. The funny thing is, when Jayla was born, something with her head shape, ears, etc. reminded me so much of my Grandma McVey. Even though Grandma McVey is no longer here with us, she will surely live on through the next generation of girls who embody a few of her physical traits, and, who hope to embody many of her sweet-spirited personality traits that we are reminded of in our memories of her.

Grandma McVey (holding JJ when he was a baby) and Grandpa McVey

Grandma McVey holding Jayla. This was taken last year in August.

Grandpa & Grandma McVey & me.

Grandma McVey & Grandma Somers

1 comment:

  1. that was such a sweet account of your grandma! it's always hard to lose someone close to you, so please know you and your fam are in our thoughts and prayers. she sounded like a wonderful woman!
