Thursday, March 5, 2009

Out with the sick, in with the fresh air!

Okay, the Sullivan's are done with being sick and back in action! And, just in time to enjoy the BEST day of weather we have had yet this year....70 degrees, sunny, and a gentle, FRESH, breeze. feels so good. What a great day for the park!

Just like a pro.

I can climb all by myself this year!

You're gonna catch me, right?

You'll find me by the log roll.

Here is JJ posing for what would be the perfect picture. However, Jayla and I were at the top of the slide, so I couldn't get a close enough shot. By the time we got down I had lost the great picture moment! And, these are hard to find with a 2 year old on the move all the time!

Here we are at the top of the slide, missing JJ's perfect picture moment.

Mom, will you stop taking pictures and push us?



Bring on summertime!

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