Monday, March 2, 2009

JJ & Jayla Update

Wow, is it March already? Sounds like it is time for an update on JJ & Jayla (pictures below)!

Well, JJ finally got over his very awful stomach flu which lasted 5 DAYS, yes, count ‘em, 5 DAYS! He is now back in action, and is making up for all the lost time he had from eating. I knew that he was starting to feel better on Day 6 when I called home to check-in on him (I was gone at a doc appointment with Jayla)….it was 9am and Jake said JJ was requesting chicken fingers and potatoes, and Jake gave it to him bright & early for breakfast! I am not sure if that would be my first meal request after 5 days of not eating, but for a 2 year old, it makes complete sense. This past month also marked the first time that JJ has been able to go with Jake to a tournament for a full-day, on their own, with no mommy-back-up in the stands. Jake and I have been dreaming of this day in which JJ would be able to tag along at the games, sit on the bench while Jake coaches, and basically hang out with Dad all day long. This is tough because often Jake coaches games back to back, and the games are all day long, not just one or two games a day. Jake decided to take him with him on Saturday, and JJ was wonderful for him all day....even with no nap. Jake said lots of people came up to him after the games and asked him if JJ was on medication (jokingly) and how on earth he was able to have a 2 year old that was so well-behaved. This was one compliment that I have soaked up for all its worth. In the day-to-day grind of disciplining a 2 year old, there are many points in the day when I feel like I have been beat…but as we start seeing the fruits of our labor with discipline and expectations, it makes it all clear! On to a different subject, some new things that JJ says are: ‘Fun!’ and ‘Why, Mom?’ and ‘Mom, look!’ These might seem like ordinary phrases, but when they come from JJ's mouth it gives me such a glimpse into his little world. JJ is also really starting to relate to books. He has always loved to be read to, but lately he has started identifying with the characters in his books. His favorite book is called ‘Salt in His Shoes’ which is a children’s book about Michael Jordan as a young boy. There is one illustration where Michael and his family are all sitting around their dining room table for dinner. When we get to this page he points to each family member, and says their names “Daddy (pointing to the Dad), Gee Gee (which translates to JJ – pointing to Michael), Bah (which translates to Jayla – pointing to Michael’s sister), Mommy (pointing to the Mom) and Suh Sum (which translates to Solomon – pointing to Michael's brother)". I love these moments when I see him making little 2 year old level connections in his mind!

Okay, onto Jayla. First order of business….SHE IS NOW SAYING MAMA!!!! YAY! The only problem is that she only says it when she is extremely mad, upset, and crying. She actually says it through her wailing and goes on and on with it like this, “Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma”…crying the whole time. Oh well, I’ll take it. Let’s see, actually, this past month Jayla has done a lot of crying. She has been quite emotional regarding just about everything. She has major mommy radar right now and can turn on the tears if she senses me starting to set her down or sees me walk out of the room. She hadn’t started this until a few weeks ago. She will also turn on the tears if she sees a box of crackers and thinks she isn’t going to get one, or if you walk by one of her favorite books without offering to read it to her. Seriously, she really does cry for this, it is so funny! She has different cries for different things, so for scenarios like those I just mentioned it is more of a mad cry, like she is saying, ‘oh, how could you!’ I am already envisioning what her toddler tantrums are going to look like! Jayla is the best eater ever….I am not talking about amounts, but about her willingness to eat ANYTHING! This is one of the greatest blessings, because whatever I make for myself to eat, she will eat. Whatever I make for dinner, she will eat that too. No complaining, no thrusting food out of the mouth, or anything of the sort. Maybe it seems so great because JJ is a very picky eater. Some of Jayla’s favorites right now are flavored rice (she loves those Lipton rice packs), homemade pizza, and beans. Jayla loves to be sung to, and loves to be ‘danced’ with…which really means just holding her tight while I sway around the kitchen floor! One of my favorite things is to turn on ‘delilah’ at night and dance with her in the kitchen! She loves it and will sometimes just lay her head on my shoulder (which is very uncommon for her at any other time). I am trying to teach her to be a snuggler. It came so naturally for JJ, but Jayla always wants to be sitting up or looking around to make sure she isn’t missing anything. Jayla turned 9 months old last week, can you believe it?!?!?! I am trying to hold onto every moment!

You are now officially updated! Here are some pictures:

Of course I'm practicing!

3 POINTER!!!!!

Over-tired giggles.

Assigning seats.

The first thing I wanted to do once I wasn't sick anymore was paint!


We put this puzzle together at least once a day.

Mommy's view from the front seat.

Swingin in the garage.

9 months old!

Crawling? Why bother?

Where's Jayla?

There she is!

It's a big world out there.


  1. My sweet little punkins. ~Gram

  2. What a great update!! I love the picture of JJ and Jayla sitting in front of the sliding glass door! I'm glad that JJ is feeling makes for a trying time when kids are sick!

  3. Thanks for the update! I love those pics, especially the one of JJ swinging Jayla and the two of them looking out the door! Precious.

    As usual, both our boys and our girls remind me SO MUCH of each other...

    And, I just LOVE the Lonestar song on your blog! One of my faves :)
