Saturday, February 14, 2009

A Few More Tidbits

Just wanted to post a few more things Jake told me yesterday about his meeting with Solomon. I talked to him a few times on the phone yesterday...

After the initial meeting with Solomon they all rode to the social welfare offices to start the adoption paperwork. Jake said that Solomon's parents are very young, his mom is 24 and his dad is 26. Through Pastor Sam's interpreting, Jake was able to talk with Solomon's parents. Solomon's dad said that he, himself, had never gotten the chance to get an education, and this has affected the family because he can't find solid work there, and they are barely surviving. They want better for Solomon, and are giving him in adoption so that he can have the opportunity to have a life that they didn't. He told Jake that they have officially turned Solomon over to the social welfare department (as well as Solomon's older brother). Solomon is still living in the village with his parents, but social welfare gives him his clothes, food, etc. and helps with the adoption. Jake said that he could see Solomon's dad was very sad, but yet there was an attitude of hopefulness....that he was giving his son something that he would never have the opportunity to get. The bravery of both Solomon's parents is just remarkable.

The great thing is that we will be able to bring Solomon back to Ghana often to visit his parents, as we want this trip to be just the beginning of hopefully some great missionary work that we can do there. Pastor Sam told Jake that they had been praying for someone to come that could reach the youth of Ghana. And, he told Jake that the best way to do it is through sport. They have no toys there, but they have soccer. He said if you showed up in any random village with a soccer ball in your hands, you would have at least 200 kids surround you within minutes....and he was not joking. He even mentioned possibly setting up some hoops in the middle of a village, and bringing some basketballs and using that as a way to bring the youth in and minister to them.

Anyways, Jake got to spend about half a day with Solomon and Solomon's parents. They ate lunch together and Jake thought it was interesting that Solomon's parents ate with their hands, but they had Solomon eat with a fork. Jake said Solomon is very-well behaved, but yet he has a fun-loving childish spirit of goofiness.....sounds like fun. Jake said Solomon is potty trained, and was wearing PINK crocs, and a matching polo with shorts. Jake said Solomon smiled the entire time, and did not once let go of the little photo book we had made for him. Jake said Solomon would point to the picture of himself (which was on the cover) and just giggle and giggle...Jake thinks he probably hasn't ever seen a picture of himself before. He also loved the picture in the book of Jake and I reading books to JJ. Jake said he kept pointing to it and smiling. So, we think he really likes books. Jake said he also loves music and to dance!

Jake and Chris are now in the phase of working with the Right to Dream organization. More on this tomorrow, but Jake just texted me and said they were sitting by the river eating fish for lunch. He said the natives caught it on the Volta River, grilled it, and now they are eating it. He said it is the best thing he has ever tasted. What an adventure! More later.

1 comment:

  1. AH what an adventure!! God is so good!! It's awesome to hear about your little Solomon and how God is going to use your family in Ghana!!
