Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Jayla update - 7 1/2 months

Jayla is currently 7 ½ months old. She can now say ‘na na na’ and she is getting very good at grabbing objects with her fingers….which is a good reminder that she will get to start on some light finger foods in about another month! She is starting to show shyness by being bashful when others talk to her….if she is being held and has a shy moment she will smile and then quickly tilt her head into the shoulder of the one holding her. She often does this when she looks into a mirror too. If someone is talking to her and she is interested in them, she will lean forward towards them, almost as if to ask them to pick her up. Jayla LOVES JJ and keeps her eye on him at all times. He can easily make her laugh now, and has a few tricks up his sleeve that he knows will always get her to have a laughing attack. He is interacting with her a lot more now…some of his favorite games are to ‘steal her nose and eat it’, tickle her, play peek-a-boo, and stack blocks for her so that she can knock them down. Jayla loves hearing familiar tunes, like the jingle on JJ’s DVD that he watches every morning. Once she hears the “Fireman Sam” song start, she flashes a huge smile and stares at the tv. Jayla still loves to study faces. She can stare at someone long enough without cracking a smile that it makes them uncomfortable and wonder ‘Do I have something on my face?’ She has it down to an art!

And, here is a video to make you smile! Kinda hard to see but hopefully you can hear it!

1 comment:

  1. What a cute video Janel!!! She is really laughing up a storm and anticipating your voice too so cute!!
