Sunday, January 4, 2009

Doubt vs. Disbelief

I like this quote our pastor shared with us in church today:

“Christ never failed to distinguish between doubt and unbelief. Doubt is can't believe; unbelief is won't believe. Doubt is honesty; unbelief is obstinacy. Doubt is looking for light; unbelief is content with darkness.” -John Drummond-

It made me come up with the term ‘proactive doubter’. Meaning a doubter who seeks answers, searches thoughts, and comes to a decision. And, the opposite would be ‘complacent doubter’….content in not-knowing unstableness, slowly edging towards disbelief.

Then all this doubt vs. disbelief stuff made me think of my blog. Funny that I was thinking of my blog in church! I must be a true blogger now. Anyways, I am considering starting to write about a series I have decided to call “Know What You Believe” – my personal answers to the questions I’ve been asked about Christianity. I hesitate in doing this because a) I am not a pastor, b) I am not one to invite people to feel uncomfortable or to stir up opinionated subjects and c) this blog was started as a place to put cute pictures and fancy write-ups about my kids…not personal thoughts and reflections! However, since becoming a Christian a few years ago I have had people ask me some questions about my beliefs…..and I feel they are really good questions. And, I have recently realized that I am not afraid of taking a stab at answering them….not that I have all the answers, or even THE answer, but I think you can look of it more as ‘food for thought’ answers. So, my blog might become a place where I do that. My point is that you may start seeing some of my thoughts on here….you’ve been warned. :)

I will end today’s post with more comments on this subject of doubt (sermon by Jim Hammond on Matthew 11:1-12):
Jesus is not the least bit afraid of honest doubters. I see Jesus coming to honest doubters like Thomas, and John, and the man who said, “I believe, help my unbelief.” Christianity is not so fragile that it can’t stand up to a few questions. Questions CANNOT poke real holes in something that is true. Don’t be afraid to ask hard questions of Christianity, it is made of firmer material than rice paper, or stretched tissue paper. You are not going to poke holes in something of solid substance. Questions of doubt will not affect what is solidly true! Here’s the caution, however, aim for the answers, not just the questions. Don’t just try to poke holes, try to find answers, try to open the door to go through it, not just poke holes in it!

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