Friday, April 12, 2013

Don't You Know Who You Are?

You are God's blood-bought child. He trades your filthy rags of shame for glowing white robes of righteousness. He silences the voice of your accuser. He stuns your guilt with His forgiveness. Where there is fear He speaks power to trample it. Where there is mundane and monotony He speaks purpose and expectancy. He replaces your timidity with courage. He overwhelms your questions of self-worth with new identity. "This is the way. Walk in it," He says. He rejoices over you - His sheep once lost but now found. Weep over the deadly peril that once held you in captivity. Consider what you once were: a prisoner of darkness. The enemy prowled around you promising condemnation and judgment. He chained you, enslaved you, wanting to devour you as his own. But God. BUT GOD pulled you from the grave. Mourn over the cost of your salvation. And then rejoice. Rejoice in your death row pardon. He remembers your sins no more. He quiets your doubts with His Spirit that testifies deep in your soul - that place where His cross and your repentance meet. He is your King. His inheritance for you awaits. You will retire on His riches. Dance now in your freedom. For you have crossed over from death to life. Once estranged, now reconciled. Once fatherless, now a child of the Most High. His heartbeat resonates in your bones. His anthem sings over your soul, “I’ll call nobodies and make them somebodies. I’ll call the unloved and make them beloved.” You who were once far away have been brought to His throne of grace by the blood of Christ. With confidence you may approach. For through Him, you have gained access to the Father. Blessed assurance dear child. You are spoken for.

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